Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • Walid Dabbous

    served in the programme committees of WNS3'2011, NOMEN'2012, ICC'12 NGN. He is co-editor or a special issue of the PPNA journal on Experimental Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Applications. He is member of the scientific council of the INRIA Bell-Labs laboratory on Self Organizing Networks. He is an affiliate professor at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau.

  • Claude Castelluccia

    served in the program committees of the following international conferences: Wisec2011 and SESOC2011. He is the co-founder of the ACM WiSec (Wireless Security) conference.

  • Thierry Turletti

    Senior ACM and IEEE member, served in 2011 in the program committees of the following international conferences: 19th International Packet Video Workshop and 4th ACM Workshop on mobile Video Delivery (Movid). He is member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information (WINET) published by Springer Science and of the Advances in Multimedia Journal published by Hindawi Publishing Corporation.

  • Chadi Barakat

    is General Co-Chair of the upcoming ACM CoNEXT 2012 conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies to be held in Nice on Dec 10-13, 2012. He served on the Technical Program Committee for IEEE Infocom 2011 and ACM CoNEXT 2011. He was invited to give talks at the CFIP Conference in Sainte Maxime - 2011. He is currently the scientific referee for international affairs at Inria Sophia Antipolis and member of the Conseil d'Orientation Scientifique et Technologique (COST) at Inria within the working group of international affairs (COST-GTRI).

  • Vincent Roca

    is strongly involved in the RMT, FECFRAME and MSEC working groups at the IETF (he was in particular co-chair of the MSEC, Multicast Security working group in 2010-2011).

  • Arnaud Legout

    was PC co-chair of the ICCCN 2009 conference track on P2P networking. He was also reviewer of journals (IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computers, IEEE Network, Computer Communications, ACM SIGCOMM CCR), and conferences (IEEE Infocom, ACM Sigmetrics). He also served as an expert to the European Commission to evaluate EC funded projects.

  • Mohamed Ali Kaafar

    In 2011, he served in the program committees of the following international conferences: Security, Inforensics and Cyber Criminality 2011, CCSEIT-2011, ACC 2011, IWTMP2PS 2011. He is member of the steering commitee of Colloque Jacques Cartier : Security, Inforensics and Cyber Criminality. He is member of the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems TPDS, Computer Communications, IEEE letters of communications, Computer Networks, the International Journal of peer-to-peer networks (IJP2P).